Traditional Naturopathy/Iridology - using traditional Chinese pulse assessment, then using special Iridology camera to take picture of eyes, to teach you a health lesson about what your eyes show. Iridology is the study of the iris of the eyes to show constitutional strengths and weaknesses - it tells us "where our bodies are most likely to break down when we get sick, which organ systems are likely to give us the most problems throughout our lifetimes, and what diseases we are most likely to have when we abuse our bodies." (from Steven Horne). Also included is a complementary session on Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing - per choice. This is a technique to help bring the body from survival mode into healing mode, to help remove interference to heal root causes and change the energy.
Recommendations include:
- Information on supplements
- Information on diet based on your iris
- Information on exercise for your iris type
- Information on lifestyle factors for your iris type
Suggested for: Anyone interested in learning more about their health and how they can improve and "What you do with What you Get" - according to Toni Miller, renowned iridologist. Best or worse scenario depends on "What you Eat, Drink, Think, Live, and Love."
Additional Modality - Authentic Touch application - to be done along with initial consultation or follow-up visit, as requested and scheduled in advance. This is a hands on method of using essential oils that are applied on upper back on either side of spine, using a series of light tapping, gliding motions. This takes minimum of 30 minutes and use of 5-7 different essential oils. The specific oils are determined based on the results of the traditional Chinese pulse assessment.
Contact me for scheduling appointment for consultation.
Free product consultation
Individual consultation provided at no cost for those interested in buying products for specific health issues or for prevention.
All recommendations are based on my training and experience over the past 25 years in the natural health field.
Suggested for:
Possible issues could include healthy weight loss, sleep problems, fatigue, stress
Contact me for more information or to schedule appointment.
Small group classes focused on improving health on topics such as Herbal First Aid, Making Healthy Smoothies, Kidney & Liver Health, Aromatherapy, Cleansing/Detox, CBD 101 and more.
Suggested for:
Those who like a supportive group atmosphere for learning.
$Free or Cost - depending on supplies
Classes will be posted on Facebook, info. sent out in newsletters or e-mail - if you are on my e-mail list, or posters on office door or locally.