Naturopathy/Iridology Consultations by appointment Office - 209 West Fourth St., Hearne, Tx.
Helping You Feel & Look Better For the Rest of Your Life
Teresa Gregurek RN,BCTN, CCI
Board Certified Traditional Naturopath & Comprehensive Certified Iridologist
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye. It shows where our "bodies are most likely to break down when we get sick, which organ systems are likely to give us the most problems throughout our lifetimes and what diseases we are most likely to have when we abuse our bodies" (from Steven Horne). It is about "What you do with what you get" (from Toni Miller) - the best or worse scenario depends on what you eat, drink, think, live, and love.
Naturopathy means skilled in all forms of natural health - this includes herbs, essential oils, homeopathy, nutrition, and more. Traditional Naturopaths do not diagnose or treat disease, they are not licensed in the state of Texas.
How it works
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Let’s See What Your Eyes Show About You
Hello! My name is Teresa Gregurek. I am a certified comprehensive Iridologist thru International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). Your eyes show what you have inherited from three generations behind you. I will give you a lesson about your eyes to teach you how you can make the best of what you have, with recommendations of supplements, diet choices, exercises, lifestyle for your constitutional type - whether blue eyes (lymphatic), brown eyes (hematagenic), or mixed eye color (biliary).
Above all, I value the trust my clients place in me, and I am committed to empowering them with the knowledge and tools they need to live their healthiest lives.
Click below to go to my NSP link
These are some of the items I sell:
- Herbal formulas
- Vitamins
- Essential oils
- Collagen
- Single herbs
- Probiotics
I earn a small commission when you order thru my link. I am independent distributor for NSP.
Click below to go to my MDC link
- CBD oils & Gummies
- CBD topical relief cream
- CBD pet products
- Safe clean cosmetics & skin care
- Weight loss products
- Hemp & activewear clothing
- Travel program for discounts
I earn a small commission when you order thru my link. I am independent affiliate for MDC.
Click below to go to my Ameo Life link
- Silver soaps
- Silver soothing drops
- Fulvic Mineral Solution